The tiny things

Just wanted to share a few things that make my life a little bit better. It’s not rocket science, just those tiny ingredients that add sparkle to an average day.

A walk in the park on a gloomy day 📷 Rikke Hjuler

A walk in the park on a gloomy day 📷 Rikke Hjuler

When you feel tired and blue there is one thing that could make you feel a little bit better. Time outside in the fresh air. By yourself or in company. Both work.

Hot chocolate 📷 Rikke Hjuler

Hot chocolate 📷 Rikke Hjuler

Treat yourself and your friends every now and then. A nice dinner, a smoothie bowl at your favourite place or a cup of hot chocolate on a cold day. Studies even show that it’s good for your mental health to practice self care.

📷 Younes El Mahdaoui

📷 Younes El Mahdaoui

Express yourself and don’t neglect your feelings. Did you know that in some cultures a smile is considered an act of well-doing and charity? At times I find it hard to accept the natural physical changes that happen over time, but why be so hard on yourself? Embracing change helps you grow and offers you new opportunities. You just have to notice it!

Weekdays at home 📷 Rikke Hjuler

Weekdays at home 📷 Rikke Hjuler

Find that activity that makes you feel better and more connected to yourself and the important people that surround you. I was really sick and tired of cooking dinner every night. I realised that one of the causes behind this feeling was that I felt my kids, especially the youngest, where left on their own in front of a screen while I was busy preparing the meal. The change was simple. We now help each other in the kitchen. Cutting cucumbers, baking bread, setting the table.

Observing and appreciating 📷 Rikke Hjuler

Observing and appreciating 📷 Rikke Hjuler

The last thing I will mention today that really enhances my, in many ways, simple life is how I try to observe the positive and beautiful details in my surroundings. And honestly some days are really just dull and grey. But. The lights in the streets this time of year. The great salad we had for lunch yesterday. The phone call from my friend that I hadn’t spoken to for months. A warm hug from my hubby. And the list continues.

It doesn’t mean you should ignore the ugliness and the problems that also occur in your’s just about having a balanced approach to the daily life experience that make the whole difference.