Enjoying life a little bit more- also on a gloomy day

📷 Rikke Hjuler. Rainy days in Copenhagen

📷 Rikke Hjuler. Rainy days in Copenhagen

I easily get caught up with work and house chores this time of year. But what about the rest? The stress relievers? The favourite activities that make life just a little better? The sparkle that makes you happier and more inspired? Or just relaxed?

📷 Rikke Hjuler. Hot chocolat on a Wednesday morning

📷 Rikke Hjuler. Hot chocolat on a Wednesday morning

stop waiting for the weekend, next year, the right moment…

I know it’s easier said than done. But if you constantly compromise yourself, your own happiness and balance, bitterness and blaming others may start to invade your thoughts and feelings.

Compromising is part of life, and it’s an excellent skill in many situations, but comprising your own well-being too often is not a way forward. It just drains your energy. .

📷 Rikke Hjuler

📷 Rikke Hjuler

So if you’re stuck in a rut and don’t know how to move forward, continue reading, because I have a few ideas that could support you on your well-being journey.

I generally believe that you shouldn’t wait for any external change to happen, the best place to start is with yourself.

When I feel that unhappiness and discontent sneak in, I turn to my favourite activities for instant inspiration and hopefully a bit of relief.

Plan it because it rarely happens just like that. Schedule the coffee date with your friend, the time at the library or the walk in the park.

Repeat it If it makes you feel better, then make it a habit. See your friends more often. Read a new book, when you have read the last one. Make sure to go out at least once during the weekend.

Try something new. I didn’t like to exercise at the gym in the past, now it’s one of my favourite activities. My husband and I didn’t plan anything just the two of us for such a long time, mainly because we have had so much to do with the kids. But they’re older now and they don’t mind looking after each other for a few hours, while we are out somewhere.
